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Interim report January – March 2019

- Regulatory information

Summary January-March 2019

  • Rental income increased to SEK 723 million (636).
  • Profit from property management increased to SEK 423 million (350).
  • Changes in value of properties amounted to SEK 128 million (178) and changes in value of financial instruments to SEK -51 million (28).
  • Profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 406 million (518).
  • Market value of investment properties amounted to SEK 49 559 million (40 152).
  • During the period, 5 properties (8) were acquired for SEK 2 348 million (913) and 1 property (9) were divested for SEK 58 million (804).

“The first quarter was characterised by a strong cash flow, a stable capital structure and deepened partnerships with Swedish municipalities. Hemsö’s business model and the important steps we have taken to create predictable cash flows suggest that this stable trend will continue for the remainder of the year, and that our partnerships with Swedish, Finnish and German municipalities will strengthen,” says Nils Styf.