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Hemsö issues two sustainable bonds

- Non-regulatory information

Hemsö has issued bonds corresponding to an amount over SEK one billion within Hemsö’s framework for sustainable bonds.

SEK 500 million was issued with a term of five years with a variable interest rate of Stibor plus 0,53 per cent and EUR 55 million was issued with a term of 10 years with a fixed interest rate of 0,47 per cent. The use of proceed will be allocated to sustainable and green assets according to Hemsö’s framework for sustainable bonds established in 2018.

In 2016 Hemsö issued the first sustainable bond in the Nordic region and have since then obtained sustainable and green financing from the Nordic Investment Bank and the European Investment Bank.

“Our sustainable financing is diversifying the company’s funding and supports Hemsö’s sustainable work with focus on energy efficiency and social infrastructure”, says Jonas Rosengren, Group Treasurer at Hemsö.
